Wednesday 13 July 2011

Book learning

Browsing through a music store the other day, I caved in and bought a teach-yourself-guitar book. While I've definitely been having fun playing Rock Band and I think it's been good for learning some of the basic techniques, I kinda feel like I'm learning to play the game with a guitar rather than actually learning to play the instrument itself. Without any feedback in the form of sound coming from the instrument I don't really feel like I'm making the connection between my actions and the end result.
So I've been learning from the book for about a week now, and I definitely feel like I'm learning more about the sound of the guitar and it's definitely nice to be able to hear what I'm playing so I can correct my fingering when I get string buzzes and so on. On the other hand it's no where near as much fun as doing it through the game and without the immediate feedback and controlled pace that the game provides I find it takes me much longer to master each exercise.
So I think going forward I'm going to mix up the two approaches a bit, maybe get some proper lessons from a tutor too. It's a real shame that you can't play the game and make a noise at the same time though, that would be perfect.

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