Tuesday 14 June 2011


Wow, I've already been going for a month, doesn't feel like it.
Anyway, I've been practising the Ramones song on medium difficulty and got up to 96% accuracy, which I think is pretty good. There are a couple of parts where it moves up and down the fretboard quickly which still throw me off, but apart from that I'm pretty happy with how it's going.
I've decided to move on to a new lesson: open chords. The first lesson introduces 3 chords. I'm finding it tricky to get all my fingers in the right place quickly, I have to pretty much do them one at a time at the moment, but after a bit of practice it's becoming a bit easier. One thing I'm really struggling with though, is getting the strings to ring cleanly. Even when I have my fingers in the right place, adjusting them so that they aren't touching adjacent strings while still holding them string enough to prevent buzzing is proving very tricky. Hopefully this will get a bit easier once the skin on my finger tips toughens up a bit.

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