Wednesday 25 May 2011

Day 12 & 13 - My amp came

Not much time to practice over the last few days but I managed to get a couple more song lessons out of the way.
My amp arrived today so I plugged it in. Once I realised that the guitar doesn't need to be turned on to play through the amp it sounded pretty good. When the guitar is turned on there's a noticeable rhythmic clicking sound in the background, almost like a metronome. It wasn't too terrible though, I might try playing the game on no fail mode with it plugged it and see what happens. Unfortunately you can't play normally like that because without the string mute engaged the game can't read your strumming properly.  The amp has a built in tuner so I was able to get it tune without too much bother and it was nice to finally hear some guitar sounds coming out of it. I quickly realised I don't actually know how to play anything beyond a couple of power chords though. I need to start learning some rhythms or something.

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