Saturday 14 May 2011


OK, looks like Google have rolled-back my blog out of existence, just my luck to start a blog on the day the whole thing goes belly-up. Good luck with that cloud-only future guys, I'm sure it's going to be super. Here's the brief version of what was lost (oh what a literary tragedy).

I've never played guitar before or tried to learn guitar before but have bought a Fender Squier and Rock Band 3 and am going to try to learn to play entirely through that. I'll be using this blog to keep track of my progress (or, more likely, lack thereof).

I've never played a Rock Band game before, nor any other of the recent music games. I think the last one I played was Drum Mania in a Japanese arcade about 10 years ago. I can't play any instruments, barring the recorder I learned in primary school so I'm pretty much starting from scratch in every sense.

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