Sunday 15 May 2011

Day 3 - First Song

I managed to pass the song with 3 stars on my first attempt, pretty pleasing! I was doing really well but then fell to pieces and totally forgot my fingering for a while. When I've done some more exercises I'll go back and try to 5 star it.
After the song I moved on to the next section of training and got my ass kicked by a blues riff, I just couldn't get it. I'm really struggling with the left hand fingering. Actually I have quite short fingers so I wonder if this puts me at a disadvantage somewhat.
I took a break and came back a couple of hours later and eventually managed to pass it but I'm not confident about it at all yet. I definitely need a lot mode practice fretting to get more comfortable.

One thing that's becoming more evident as I progress is the contrast between the noise coming from the TV and the noise coming from the guitar. Each correct note played results in a nice sounding riff from the game but a dull sounding twang from the guitar. At some point I'm going to have to plug this thing into an amp to find out what I'm playing actually sounds like.

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