Thursday 19 May 2011

Day 7 - Power chords

I started on the first of the chords lessons, first up are power chords, whatever that means. Things started quite simply, hold down a couple of adjacent strings, a couple of frets apart and strike the those strings but no others. It then gradually moved on to exercises that require moving the hand and forming chords on different strings, these were tricky but I felt like the pacing of the exercises was sensible.
One disappointing aspect is that the game doesn't take into account how many strings you strike when playing the chord. So if you are supposed to hit 2 strings for the chord, as long as you get one of them then it registers as correct. It doesn't punish you for hitting more either so it's possible to get through the exercises just madly strumming away as long as you get your fretting right. I'm not really sure why this should be, the game knows which strings you are hitting (it shows on screen all the ones you pluck) so either this is something they overlooked or it's a deliberate decision. It makes it hard to judge how well I'm striking the strings though, it's easy to hit a third string accidentally or not go far enough and just touch the second string without actually plucking it.
The other thing is, I've no real idea what the notes I'm playing would actually sound like (presumably not twa-twang, which is what I get at the moment). I definitely need an amp to practice with.

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